Friday 10 February 2012

Move that will cost you £3.6m


Local Link Up - Contentys Ltd

Council depot in Dean Road, the base for many household services including bin wagons

A HUGE move to build a new council depot in Scarborough could cost taxpayers £3. With Tesco we get literally more of the same.

And for the proper story, refer to the Yorkshire Post.

Page 1 of 1. What were the benefits then?.

Scarborough Council's cabinet are set to satisfy next week to discuss the proposals which can be aimed at maximising budget reductions.

A report from David Archer, the council's strategic director and Nicholas Edwards, the head of finance and asset management, said the move was a necessity in such an austere climate.

It said: "The depot at Dean Road is substantially larger than the facility now required by the council.

Speaking after the development was granted last year, Deborah Hayeems, Tesco's regional corporate affair manager, said the company was eager to start work in Scarborough.

She added: "We will be keen to progress quickly and will need top address a couple of matters before they can start construction - relocation of the depot, highway works and discussions with the town about how best to phase our work to reduce impact.

"We are also looking forward to working with the community to be certain a few of the new jobs go to local long-term unemployed people.

There are 12 comments to this article

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Just wondering, did the council's "strategic director" and "head of finance and asset management" advise members that the council "therefore has no option than to commit to the expenditure etc etc" before the Tesco deal was agreed?

If you go to the end of the road at Queen Margaret's industrial estate, past the gasworks, you'll see a huge hard standing and a big modern office building that looks to be in good condition.

Today's article in the SEN says that taxpayers will be paying for the new depot, however the article in the Yorkshire Post say's it will be funded by Tesco (who's telling the truth)? The fact is if Tesco do not get Trafalgar Street West closed ( and I hope this is the case) they will more than likely pull out of the deal with Scarborough Borough Council we will then be left to pay for it as they still have to move.

In the current climate the budget for consultants should be ZERO until further notice, or are we back into little brown envelopes territory again!

According to the YP, it has to go to the Secretary of State because of Traf Street West being closed, which couldtake a year. Still no news here though on the fact the mayor has essentially vetoed recommendations to get rid of the car. But I don't agree with Tesco having the Dean Road site, I don't such as the way they bulldoze their way into and around towns. The work done at Manor Road nurseries could be transferred there too, although greenhouses could be at risk as it's a very quiet area out of office hours. Maybe ASDA would have been the same, but we aren't going to find out because SBC is sucking up to Tesco.

£220,000 on Consultants! - Why oh why can this council not make their own decisions? Why do they have to farm out the brain work to consultancy firms? Surely there must be some highly paid fat-cat salaried gold plated pensioned self important executive somewhere in the council who could delegate the task to some of his highly paid and under worked officers.

ASDA its rumoured would have payed MORE for the Dean Road site, ASDA would have created circa 400 jobs whereas Tesco will transfer their present workforce plus a few more in the scheme of things.

£200,000 for consultants ??? This council really do take the michael.

The retail colossus, which won planning permission in December, could begin work in Septemberand is still pushing for an order to close part of Trafalgar Street West.

The new store will create 350 new jobs and safeguard 200 positions and feature a 9,500 sq metre shop floor, with 516-space car park and petrol station.

Remember with the pressure still on this could get called in by the secretary of state yet. 6m for some hard ground to stand wagons on, some cheap office space and some mechanics area?.

@6 It has already gone to the Secretary of State because of departure from the Development Plan with the closure of TSW being just one of the departures. It is still on whatdotheyknow. I FOI'd an agreement for the Dean Road land sale and there wasn't anything in there about it.

"The Dean Road depot is still too large for the council's future needs following the termination of the Highways Agency and the relocation is also desirable from an operational and cost efficiency perspective.

"The planning application for the new depot includes a polytunnel and hard standing area meaning if a decision to outsource plant supply is taken, the new depot site will be available to receive plants and be used as a distribution hub.

"Therefore, a relocation to a smaller site is needed to better suit the requirements of the services which will enable the council to reap the benefits of modern, more efficient, flexible ways of working; making better use of new technology and therefore reduce running costs and overheads incurred by the council. @8 I cant see Tesco paying for a brand new depot, so surely this money can come from sale of the land.

Local Link Up - Contentys Ltd

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 10/02/2012


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