Sunday 11 March 2012

CIOG moving ahead with medical centre


CIOG moving ahead with medical centre

The Central Islamic Organization of Guyana (CIOG) is moving ahead with its medical centre which it says will feature a fully functional medical facility for obstetrics and gynaecological services. Ann's Orphanage.

In an interview with Stabroek News then, CIOG President, Fazeel Ferouz had said that CIOG's initial proposal to construct and operate a dialysis centre failed to pull in financial backing in the early months but it was later accepted by the Islamic Development Bank of Saudi Arabia.

In 2009, 15 dialysis machines had arrived for the CIOG for a dialysis centre.

Ferouz had noted then that the aim of the CIOG project was to bring the cost in decline for dialysis treatment.

The advertisement said that a renal dialysis unit is also being considered as part of the health care facility.

It is now advertising for expressions of interest from building consultants for the facility. Mursulin Gafoor of Canada was able to secure the donation of fifteen dialysis machines from Oakville Hospital in Canada while the Canadian Support Group of CIOG collected some funds from Human Concern International.

Ferouz had said that the CIOG was currently trying to get the transport for the land in its name.

The CIOG said that the medical facility will be built in Georgetown and linked to an inpatient building.

Here at the time Ferouz had referred to two other phases of which gynaecological services was the third.

CIOG moving ahead with medical centre

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 11/03/2012


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