Monday 12 March 2012

Haiti - Energy: Bill Clinton, the Solar King


Haiti - Energy: Bill Clinton, the Solar King

The former President Bill Clinton, announced four new commitments to provide solar energy to Haiti by Clinton Foundation partners. The site visits included the Boucan Carré Health Center, the first clinic to be solarized by SELF; the Lashto Fish Farm, a new extension of the fish hatchery that is now solar powered thanks to NRG Energy and SELF; the Bon Berger De Doman School, a Digicel-funded school with solar power; and finally the new Partners in Health Mirebalais teaching hospital.

Finally, Greif, in addition to providing a $125,000 grant to the pediatric wing of the new Partners in Health Mirebalais Hospital, will donate two fully equipped General Electric Habihut units that utilize zeeweed ultra filtration systems powered by integrated solar panels.

These projects reflect the Clinton Foundation's longstanding commitment to building Haiti's green energy structure. This will allow students to use computers and other technologies, and the schools to hold adult literacy classes and vocational training programs at night.

"The impact of getting like minded government representatives and industry leaders from around the globe focused on a common problem is evident from this trip," said Mark Kingsley, CCO of Trina Solar.

"Our commitment to supply solar power to Haiti will empower local schools and other community facilities, and give students the best place to study and learn while reducing dependency on expensive diesel power and polluting fossil fuels," said Petersen. The Clinton Foundation will work with Greif to place these units in underserved communities in need of both solar power and clean water.

Clinton Foundation partners announced four new commitments to supply solar energy to Haitians during these visits with President Clinton.

Trina Solar, working closely with NRG, has already donated solar power to support the Lashto Fish Farm and the Zamni Beni Orphanage. This hospital, when completed, will have the largest solar installation in the country and will operate almost entirely on solar power. I am proud that my Foundation's partners have committed to provide even more solar power to the people of Haiti, and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to see this work in action.

Jonathan Pickering, President of the America's Region, JA Solar announced that JA Solar will donate 94 kilowatts of solar panels (approximately 400 panels) to the Caribbean Harvest Foundation, a non-profit organization aimed at creating a commercial fishing industry for Haiti. It is not only very important to make a great product, but to be a good company.

Matt Petersen, Global Green USA's President and CEO, announced a partnership with the SunPower Foundation to deliver 100 kilowatts of solar photovoltaic to help power schools and other community facilities in Haiti. He was accompanied by senior executives of large energy corporations from around the world, including China, Israel, and Ireland, along with directors of large foundations interested in supporting projects in the energy sector. Together, they toured sites in Haiti's Central Plateau to peruse the progress of solar power installations funded by the $1 million commitment made through the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) by NRG along with their implementing partner, the Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF). These units create enough power to also serve as cell-phone charging stations, creating local entrepreneurship by providing individuals the ability to sell water and electricity. The Clinton Foundation will continue to work with Global Green to identify all in addition partners and projects in Haiti in the coming weeks.

Haiti - Energy: Bill Clinton, the Solar King

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 12/03/2012


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