Tuesday 6 March 2012

Public surveys: Building trust key for next South Washington County Schools superintendent


Public surveys: Building trust key for next South Washington County Schools superintendent

The next South Washington County Schools superintendent must be honest, trustworthy and well-schooled in education curriculum. The board accepted the survey and focus group findings at a Feb. Ken Dragseth, one of the search consultants, said the responses show a division in the community and that the public is watching to see how the administrative change works out. "There is support for the current superintendent, and others saying, 'let's move on,'" Dragseth said. "Anybody coming into jobs of this size knows that there's conflict," he said. "We need to be more proactive," she said. District residents and business leaders had similar concerns. There was one unifying message among different groups, Dragseth said, and that is a belief that the next superintendent needs to focus on curriculum instruction. The information will be used as the search consultants gather applicants. Dragseth said the consultants plan to have a group of applicants at the district May 5 for interviews. The surveys showed that the district's greatest strengths are a dedicated and highly competent staff; student achievement; and sound fiscal management. The results also highlighted the district's challenges following the board's controversial decision late last year to not renew Superintendent Mark Porter's contract. Despite an at-times rocky period for the school board and district, the search consultants are optimistic about District 833 landing a skilled, effective superintendent. There is no school district where everything is ideal, said Charlie Kyte, one of the search consultants. That will be followed by lengthy interviews with two or three finalists before the board makes a hire. 28 meeting. School Board members have their own ideas for skills the next superintendent should possess. About 150 people participated in focus groups; another 297 responded to an online survey. More than one-third of the 100 parents who responded said school board governance was the district's greatest challenge, followed by a lack of trust in the administration and large class sizes. Parents had different concerns. The next superintendent should… The unofficial summary of an online survey and focus groups says the next District 833 superintendent should be: -- Be a proven educational leader who has a deep knowledge of curriculum and instruction with an emphasis on teaching 21st century skills and raising achievement for all students -- Be a person who will be honest, trustworthy, transparent and has high integrity in all relationships -- Have excellent communication skills with the board, staff, students and community; articulate speaker and writer, listens to others, open to input and has the ability to be the positive voice for the district promoting the district internally and externally -- Be child-centered, visible in the schools, a strong advocate for students and understands how students learn -- Be a collaborative consensus builder that has the ability to work with all stakeholders utilizing the best ideas and creativity to create success for all students -- Be a strategic thinker who can work cooperatively and effectively witht eh board, staff and community to set short and long-term direction for the district, implement initiatives and hold himself/herself and staff accountable for results -- Be a strong decision-maker who utilizes data and stakeholder input to guide decisions -- Be able to work collaboratively and successfully with multiple communities and schools advocating for the unique needs of each -- Have a strong understanding of school finance and the budget development process, able to advocate our financial needs to the Legislature and maintain financial stability in the district -- Have been successful in building positive relationships with the board, staff, students and communities so that all students are successful .

Public surveys: Building trust key for next South Washington County Schools superintendent

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 06/03/2012


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