Monday 5 March 2012

Building 'gives best boost' to economy


Building 'gives best boost' to economy

A FULL spectrum of your house and construction industry - including bank managers, real estate agents and property developers – has gathered in the Hastings. "Those on the board really felt that Port Macquarie has all the basics for additional growth than what we're experiencing at the moment, so what was holding us back? "The answer to that is very complicated," he said. I think they do," Mr Suitor said. Council's development and environmental services director Matthew Rogers and Paul Rawlinson, from town planning consultants King and Campbell, were panellists. The venue was Town Green Inn and the forum was to identify ways to boost Port Macquarie's slow-moving construction industry. The chairman, King and Campbell's Tony Thorne, is a Port Macquarie Chamber of Commerce board member. Pycon Homes' Adam Suitor said the ideal way to boost construction was to improve communication between businesses and local and state government. With an airport upgrade, highway upgrade, a growing population and large land bases ready for release, Port Macquarie was a good base for property developers, Mr Thorne said. "We as a company are excited about Port Macquarie. "Currently, the industry is suffering a bit of a downturn but that's not to say I don't think things look good for the future. The grant could help boost the industry by drawing people to the town, she said. " Port Macquarie MP Leslie Williams said an advertising campaign would this month be launched to promote city-dwellers to benefit from the regional relocation grant. "The industry itself is traditionally the number one economic stimulus for any town and Port Macquarie is certainly no different. Issues raised were recorded by the chamber.

Building 'gives best boost' to economy

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 05/03/2012


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