Monday 5 March 2012

Restoration work on Ripon Buildings way behind schedule


Restoration work on Ripon Buildings way behind schedule

The ongoing restoration work on Ripon Buildings appears to be way behind schedule. A team of 27 students, including civil engineering research scholars, visited the Ripon Buildings, on Saturday. "The lime mortar with 'kadukkai', jaggery and lime is being meticulously used to restore the building. Other independent laboratories are also involved in monitoring of the materials and workmanship. The reports advise you on measures, including those pertaining to architecture, workmanship and plastering with lime mortar. "We have been taking construction materials from other areas as Metro Rail work is under way. Transportation is possible only at night. Lime plastering also requires one-and-a-half months compared to a lesser period for cement," said an engineer of the Chennai Corporation. The restoration work is likely to be carried out only in December. Chennai Corporation engineers attributed the delay to various factors, including the Metro Rail work. But new lime plastering also shows signs of crack," said another IIT-Madras research scholar who was part of the team. Members of the team added that delay in renovation work could have been avoided with superior workmanship and better planning. Ripon Buildings will continue to demonstrate its Indo-Saracenic style of architecture even after 99 years of existence," said K. Jayachandran, a civil engineering research scholar who was part of the team. An expert team from IIT Madras has been reviewing the project and submitting reports to the Chennai Corporation on the progress of the work. A total of 17 reports have been submitted so far. Regulating the water flow and electric wiring is yet to be carried out. "Work on pointing and grouting is under way. Some of the old lime plastering had lost its binding quality.

Restoration work on Ripon Buildings way behind schedule

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 05/03/2012


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