Friday 9 March 2012

Car parking fault costs council £18k


Car parking fault costs council £18k

FAULTS at a town centre car park have cost the district council more than £18,000 in lost revenue.

There are 5 comments to this article

I went to SMH this morning and saw workmen installing a whole new ticket machine along the side of the road where the parking spaces are opposite the car park, hence no-one was able to get a parking ticket but when I drove out I saw the Traffic Warden (which I never normally see at the hospital) giving each and every car a parking fine for having no ticket !! How does that work !!

Why am I not surprised by this carnage - the council should demand a service contract with parts and labour included on this sort of expensive work.

"We hope that the barriers will be fixed and operational this week.

"Unfortunately the system controlling the barriers has failed and the supplier has been waiting for the parts to repair it.

"I just hope the council learns its lesson from this, and that precautions are taken at other car parks.

So far, the fault has cost the council an estimated figure of £18,200 in revenue.

Mike Smith, district councillor for Coldharbour, works in the building next door.

"I just think perhaps the council should have foreseen this type of thing happening," he said.

"I can't understand why, if it's someone else's fault with the equipment, if they can't fix it right away they aren't made to pay any compensation for the loss of revenue.

"The district council will be needed to pay the repair bill.

When questioned on the situation, Stephen Harding, parking services manager, said the authority was working hard to resolve the situation.

Why has it taken so long for the BH to pick up on this - to think I could have been parking here for free every time I went into town for the past few weeks! What type of public service is this?

Seriously do we not have a team of parking wardens in Aylesbury have they generated that much money in that period, could someone not have allocated people from parking services to a contingency plan - I am astounded that after a month no contingency plan is in place - what do you people do all day.

"We are aware that the car park barriers have not been working properly for a few weeks and we are making every effort to restore them to full working order," he said.

The external suppliers will not be held accountable for providing any compensation however, and the council will also have to pay for repairs.

"The total sum of £18,200 doesn'tsound a great amount, but when you look at the cuts the district council has been forced to make this year, there's an awful good deal of very good things that could be sustained with that income.

"Stephen Harding, parking services manager, said the authority was working hard to resolve the situation.

Car parking fault costs council £18k

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 09/03/2012


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